[HOW TO] Install Google Earth in Xubuntu

Google Earth is a virtual globe. Here's how to install it in Xubuntu.

Google Earth running on Xubuntu 12.04
Google Earth running on Xubuntu 12.04


Copy and paste the line bellow on a terminal window.

wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - && sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/earth/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-earth-stable -y


Google Earth can be accessed via Applications Menu > Internet > Google Earth or typing the following command: googleearth.


3rd Party Repository: Google Earth


  1. Mr. Santos, you have my undying gratitude. I have been tearing my hair out trying to get Google Earth installed in Xubuntu 12.04 with no success. I used your command and it's installed and running. Thank you SO much!

    1. I can confirm that this works in 12.10 as well. I just installed it and so far, so good.
      Thanks for your extraordinarily helpful site, I am SO glad I found it! :-)

    2. @mrsfixit
      You're welcome and thank you.

  2. Thanks Wilson 2 hours of serch and finally find the solution!!!

  3. thank's Wilson :)

  4. Hi,Wilson. My question is how we can remove google-earth after the installation follow your tutorial?

  5. Thank you very much. I am just a user, not so familair with commandlines. You helped me very good. Thanks again.........

  6. Thank you very much!. Great effective solution!

  7. Hello Mr.Wilson, thanks for your helpful posts
    I have a problem thou with googleearth installation in Xubuntu
    ending with (italian version)

    E: Impossibile impostare il blocco /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)
    E: Impossibile acquisire il blocco sulla directory di amministrazione (/var/lib/dpkg/). Un altro processo potrebbe tenerla occupata.

    any idea of what's missing?
    thanks in advance anyhow

    1. That usually happens when another package management application is open at the same time (like Synaptic).

  8. Hello,

    I tried to install GEarth in many ways, but none has been successfull here at Xubuntu. I've downloaded packages from Google Website, and tried also explanation like these:

    Then I came to your tutorial and get this error message:
    Os pacotes a seguir têm dependências desencontradas:
    google-earth-stable : Depende: ia32-libs mas não é instalável
    E: Impossível corrigir problemas, você manteve (hold) pacotes quebrados.

    Always this "ia32-libs" package appears in error messages, but I still have not found (ooops :P) how to replace this missing package in a 64bits OS.
    Can you help me? I need to do some work at Google Earth, and don't want to reinstall Windows 7 just for this work :)


    1. Are you using Xubuntu 13.10 64bits?

    2. Enough said here.... Thank YOU! just installed in Xubuntu

      anonymous January 18, 2013 at 4:29 PM
      Mr. Santos, you have my undying gratitude. I have been tearing my hair out trying to get Google Earth installed in Xubuntu 12.04 with no success. I used your command and it's installed and running. Thank you SO much!


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