Bash ternary operation
Ternary operation allows to assign a variable one of two values depending on the evaluation of a Boolean
condition. It's also known as conditional operator and inline if. In several programming languages it's expressed using the ?:
assign_condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false
Bash ternary operation (works for numeric and string conditions)
[ condition ] && variable=value_if_true || variable=value_if_false
b='aaa'; c='bbb'; d
[ b == 'zzz' ] && a=1 || a=0 # 0 is assigned to a
Bash ternary operation for numeric conditions only
(( assign_condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false ))
b=3; c=10; d=7
(( a = b<5 ? c : d )) # 10 is assigned to a
Ternary operator in Bash (stackoverflow)?: operator at Wikipedia
Ternary operator in bash
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