Install Clementine Music Player (Amarok 1.4 fork) in Xubuntu 11.10

Amarok 1.4 was the primary reason for me to be using Kubuntu a few years ago. Simply put, it was awesome: it was simple to use and advanced features were included.

When KDE4 was released in 2008, Amarok went to version 2. It suffered so many changes that I felt that it lost its essence.

Clementine Music Player is a fork of Amarok's version 1.4 to port it to Qt 4.

Despite the fact that it is a Qt application and Xfce has GTK as its framework, I was so excited to have the good old Amarok back that I gave it a try. It met all my expectations and it works very well on my Xubuntu 11.10 environment; the keyboard multimedia keys work out-of-the-box (may I remind you that gmusicbrowser, the default music player on Xubuntu 11.10, doesn't support multimedia keys).

Clementines desktop integration is very good
To install Clementine on Xubuntu just type on a terminal window:
sudo apt-get install clementine

Click to install Clementine


Fix look of KDE/Qt applications in Xfce/Xubuntu


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