
[HOW TO] Get a list of packages that use most space

Let's learn how to get a list of installed packages that use most space, with sizes shown as "human readable mode". Install Fist we need to install debian-goodies . Open a terminal window and run: sudo apt-get install debian-goodies -y List top 10 packages $ dpigs -H 258.2M nvidia-340-updates 171.7M google-chrome-stable 154.4M wine-staging-amd64 145.2M wine-staging-i386 144.9M linux-image-extra-3.13.0-74-generic 137.0M blender 117.7M wine1.6-amd64 116.2M krita-testing 112.7M wine1.6-i386 111.0M libreoffice-core List top N packages $ dpigs -H n 5 258.2M nvidia-340-updates 171.7M google-chrome-stable 154.4M wine-staging-amd64 145.2M wine-staging-i386 144.9M linux-image-extra-3.13.0-74-generic

[HOW TO] Save disk space removing old linux-headers

Even though old kernels have been removed (as described in this preview post ), linux-headers packages may still be left behind using precious disk space. Here's how to remove them. Recovering disk space Open a terminal window and run: current_kernel=$(uname -r) && dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\n' 'linux-headers-[0-9].[0-9][0-9]*' | egrep -v ${current_kernel%-generic} | xargs sudo apt-get remove -y Running this command I was able to recover a little bit more than 1GB of disk space: After this operation, 1075 MB disk space will be freed. Disclaimer Use this command at your own risk. To see what the command will remove just run the first part, without apt-get remove : current_kernel=$(uname -r) && dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\n' 'linux-headers-[0-9].[0-9][0-9]*' | egrep -v ${current_kernel%-generic}

[SOLVED] VLC could not decode the format "hevc"

Problem VLC shows the following error when opening H.265/HEVC files: VLC could not decode the format "hevc" Solution We need to install the package vlc-plugin-libde265 . Open a terminal window and run: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 -y References How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux?

[SOLVED] Can't login into Twitter on Firefox

Problem When trying to log in into a Twitter account using the Firefox web browser, the page refreshes after hitting the login button but our status remains as logged off. Solution Remove all Twitter cookies. Here's how: Open Firefox preferences. Open the Privacy tab and click on "remove individual cookies" Search for twitter , select all Twitter cookies (using shift ) and hit Remove Selected Voilá! You should be able to login into your Twitter account now.

[SOLVED] Firefox opens blank pages intead of URL

Problem When trying to open an URL with Firefox (eg. via File Manager of Mail Reader), Firefox opens a blank page or your homepage (if it's set to something other than blank) instead of the URL. This situation has been reported and confirmed as a bug (bug #1427144 on launchpad). Solution It seems that the problem is in the file /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/firefox.desktop , and replacing the last line fixes it. Fix You can fix it manually (1) or just run the command (2) that creates a backup and automatically replaces the broken line. Manual : Open /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/firefox.desktop with your favorite text editor and root permissions (eg. sudo mousepad /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/firefox.desktop ). Then replace the following line: X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=%B -remote "openURL(%s)";%B %s; With this one: X-XFCE-CommandsWithParameter=%B %s;%B %s; Automatic : Open a terminal window and run: cd /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/ && sudo cp fi...

[TIP] Convert jpeg to PDF

In this article we'll learn how to create a PDF file from a bunch of jpeg images (it can be adapted for other image types as well). Install First we need to install the imagemagick package, so open a terminal window and run: sudo apt-get install imagemagick -y Convert Then change the current directory to where the images are located and use this command to convert to PDF: convert *.jpeg output.pdf Change output.pdf to whatever name you like/need.

[NEWS] Xubuntu 14.10 Released!

Xubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn has been released. No big news to report, but here's some changes/highlights: New Xfce Power Manager plugin is added to the panel Items in the newly themed alt-tab dialog can now be clicked with the mouse pkexec instead of gksu XChat removed and Inxi added to default installed applications. Get it here. You can download the new Xubuntu via Torrent or HTTP. If possible choose Torrent to not overload the servers. References Xubuntu 14.10 released! |