[HOW TO] Get a list of packages that use most space

Let's learn how to get a list of installed packages that use most space, with sizes shown as "human readable mode".


Fist we need to install debian-goodies. Open a terminal window and run:

sudo apt-get install debian-goodies -y

List top 10 packages

$ dpigs -H
 258.2M nvidia-340-updates
 171.7M google-chrome-stable
 154.4M wine-staging-amd64
 145.2M wine-staging-i386
 144.9M linux-image-extra-3.13.0-74-generic
 137.0M blender
 117.7M wine1.6-amd64
 116.2M krita-testing
 112.7M wine1.6-i386
 111.0M libreoffice-core

List top N packages

$ dpigs -H n 5
 258.2M nvidia-340-updates
 171.7M google-chrome-stable
 154.4M wine-staging-amd64
 145.2M wine-staging-i386
 144.9M linux-image-extra-3.13.0-74-generic


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