[SOLVED] Network icon missing from Xfce's panel


The network manager icon is missing from Xfce's panel.


First, we need to install the package network-manager-gnome; open a terminal window and run:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome -y

Now, make sure you have in your startup a entry with "Network" as its name and "nm-applet" as its command. See this if you need assistance in adding applications to session's startup.


  1. Wow thanks it work great!!!!
    I love your site. I bookmark it right away,
    I would like to see the top ten programs that you use and what do they do :)
    Thanks for your great support :)


    1. Thanks for you encouraging words.

      Though I use very nice programs (many thanks to the developers) there's nothing special about the usage I give to them, but there is the list (not in any particular order):

      Chrome/Chromium - web browsing
      Clementine - list to my MP3 collection and internet radio
      xfce4-terminal - command line administration
      MyPaint/Krita - drawing and painting (I spend a lot of time with these)
      Evince/FBReader - read documents, books, etc...
      gVim - plain text editing and coding (for bigger programming projects I use Netbeans)
      diodon - clipboard management
      keepassx - password management

      Then I use some shell scripts that I wrote for automating some mundane tasks.

  2. -Starkiller if network-manager-gnome was missing from your system, chances are there is something seriously wrong; I haven't found a single update / upgrade instance where this was true. Just fyi. ;) :)

    1. I wrote this article because it happened to me, though I don't know what caused the problem.

    2. hi my network manager gnome eas allready installed.but notification area in xfce panel is greayed out .thats why icon is still missing .pls help me

    3. What do you mean by "greayed out"?

    4. panel->add new items->notification area (grayed out)

    5. Add an "Indicator Plugin" instead.

  3. Still doesn't work :( it was already installed (and reinstalled just in case) network-manager-gnome_0.9.8.0-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb then I followed this steps http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.pt/2011/12/add-application-to-xfcexubuntu-session.html it was already there but i even make another entry with the same command and a different name but it doesn't work either. Still don't show even the option of adding the network manager applet al xfce (from the repos ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10 and ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12) Any help will be very appreciated!

    1. Please, open a terminal window and run the command "nm-applet", then tell me what happens.

  4. Please make sure that network manager is running:
    sudo service networking restart

    And also make sure that Xfce Panel has an Indicator Plugin.

  5. After upgrade to 13.04 both skype and nm-applet icons are missing, no solution from web works (I already have sni-qt, sni-qt:i386, libappindicator1). Any other ideas?

    1. Have you tried another icon theme? It might seem a dumb suggestion but I've seen icons disappear because the icon theme is incomplete.

    2. Yep. Tried them all. When the icons are missing you still have the space there and I don't have this. Seems that there are a lot of bugs reported in various places about this in 14.04.

  6. April 12, 2015: the applet disappeared 2-3 days ago with an update. It is checked in Menu>Settings Manager>Session and Startup>Application Autostart; hovering the mouse confirms the command nm-applet. If I type nm-applet in the terminal, I see no text; ctrl-C brings up
    "^Cnm-applet-Message: PID 0 (we are 3823) sent signal 2, shutting down...

    (nm-applet:3823): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 228 was not found when attempting to remove it"

    If I restart networking, it says it's already running.
    If I start the network manager from the main menu, the dialog is missing the "Connections" tab.

    At this point I can not use Wi-Fi and have to have an available Ethernet port to get online. Any ideas? I am running Ubuntu Studio 14.04 on a Lenovo ThinkPad T510.

    1. Since installing network-manager-gnome didn't work, I don't have any idea on how to get the icon back. However, I can help connect to the wireless network, using this command:

      nmcli c up uuid

      You can find the UUID value using this command:

      nmcli c

    2. nmcli c fails to list the most recent connection; it does list connectios months and years old. nmcli dev list can see one of the networks I used to use, but I can't figure out how to connect to it.

  7. Have the network icon on the guest session in xubuntu, but can not find how to reinstall, after deleting it in my normal session. Honestly don t get why is so complicated. I can see the net is connecting or not by the messages, but how can i reinstall the icon in the freakin panel? people hack banks but no one seems to know how to add an icon. Can anyone help?

    1. Do you have an indicator plugin added to the Xfce's panel?


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