Install HandBrake in [X]Ubuntu 11.10 (ppa)

HandBrake is a GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.

Personally I use it to transcode some videos so that I can see them on my Android smartphone. It has already some presets with enconding settings specific for iPhone, iPad and Android.

It includes one with a graphical interface and one with command line interface. I find them both very useful. For instance, even though we can create a queue of jobs with the graphical interface I use the version with the command line interface when I want to automate some other things with a shell script.


Open a terminal window and run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases -y && sudo apt-get update

If you only want to install the version with graphical interface, type:

sudo apt-get install handbrake-gtk

If you want to install the version with command line interface, type:

sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli

If you want to install both versions, type:

sudo apt-get install handbrake-*


official HandBrake releases for Ubuntu


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